so i was all excited when i signed up for my tmobile text message joke of the week. at 8am i was woken up with this:
when satan loses his hair there will be hell toupee
what a nice way to start off the day ... cept i read it as "saturn" because it was so early in the morning ... so i spent the rest of the day and almost half of the next wondering where the funny was. heh. at least i laughed a couple hundred hours later.
on another note... i want to surf soOo bad ... i've always loved the ocean and feel of the beach.
and to ride on the water like a maniac ... in aa my bathtubs good to go :/ i hate our lakes for not having big waves to die in ... whats so great about them anyways. you cant even eat the fish. i envy all who've had the chance to ride the waves ... it must be amazing. anyone up for lessons?