so me and my pal were talking about that new show "Daybreak" where the basis of the show is that the day repeats over and over again for this dude. well . i already feel like that happens to me everyday. and would it really be SOO bad to repeat the day over? i feel that that would give me free reign on anything i wanted to do. i could go to france in a day. but then i guess i would never make it to taiwan. which would be really sad. but it would give me a chance just to see how much i could get away with everyday. if i were tested i would do more bad than good just for fun of course. human nature right? well for right now nurture is what's keeping me in good control. sometimes i wish i could just speak my mind as is or scream and act irrational w/out any consequences. that repeated days stuff sounds good to me bc with it comes fresh starts. i can't really think of anything bad in repeating days. i have nothing to complain about in my humdrum life ... o my lord is this really all there is ??? i want to go jump out of a plane. i want to fire a gun. i want to go deep sea diving. i want to be lost on an island. but i bet i will do none. humdrum. what i need to do is stop watching movies and tv.