Saturday, January 17, 2004

ahahha i thought this was so cute !! what an idiot ...
and i was actually that close from buying her new cd too .
bet she did it for a publicity stunt just to get more attention.
boo. that really annoys me .

*e d i t
during the blackout tonite i called my dad to see if we
had lucked out at home ... nope . so dinner plans at
home were foiled :*( this was our conversation
around 6 30 pm :

dad: there's no food & electricity here either.
me: okay i'll come home tomorrow for dinner instead
me: there's nothing to do . i have no food and i hungry ..
dad: go to sleep .

haha. then he suggested i go out for some dinner. hee.
mmm mudslide @applebee's is really tasteee !!
me and dan both got carded ! suurprise !!

the end <3

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