Wednesday, January 04, 2006

happy new year ! we had a cozy get-together at dan's condo. the place was spiced up with decor. doogie was much excited amonst the balloons. you can see him looking at me making a balloon in the first pic. thanks to dan and matt for blowing up allll the balloons. they also invented a contraption to hold balloons at the top of the balcony (to be released at midnight). sadly the balloons got stuck up there and had to be manually released. nice try boys. the drinks robert and roxanna made were sooo good. champagne and guava juice with orange sides. we had tons of food spanning from smoky sausages, chocolate cake, chocolate fruitcake?, chocolate cupcakes, chips, ect. yummy!

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[group] roxanna, rob, dan, steve, matt, and nancy

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[girls] kristen, me, nancy, and roxanna.

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here is everyone playing poker. we bought an entire stash of bottle rockets that made it sound as if guns were going off in the house (you can see the stuff in the first two pics on the table. that whole flask is filled to the brim w bottle rockets). it made a mess. omg. sooo loud, dangerous, and most important - awesome. i thought we were going to light something on fire too. haha somehow rob was forced into the dummy corner while me and kristen grin evily. the dude next to kristen is her bf dana. and they are reading books. boo! i wish i had taken more action pictures during midnight but lots of footage was captured on video. o wells. send to me ppl !

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there were party favors with glowsticks and lots of candy for our guests. muah! hoonie's nose is squished. i hope everyone has a wonderful lucky new year! i know many wonderful things are going to happen this year and it makes me want to pee just thinking about it all!

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