Thursday, June 01, 2006

yesterday night i got to page my first doc at 9pm. and wouldn't you know it he sounded like he had just woken up but was nice to me about it. i said ah-hem "dr ** yes this is sophie you got my page? i am concerned about **'s potassium level it was 5.5 . her blood pressure is up at 152/74 would you like to continue to hold the lisinopril or continue to wait for tomorrow's surg II in the AM?" he said "blahblah" and i said "thank you very much" and he said it back to me too. small stuff but yayy awesome. i wonder what he looks like, im sure i will meet him eventually. this is fun! i've noticed that ppl at work like to spread rumors and talk about others behind their backs. a staff member came up to me and said i hear you're engaged and live in a condo with your fiance but you guys sleep in different rooms. huh? i checked my left fourth finger just to be sure. nope still nothing. i got the "when are you going to be married" question twice yesterday one from grandma and one from work. its so weird. next will be "where are the babies". then "how are the babies doing" then ... did you get your plot yet? aha. life.

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