Thursday, April 15, 2004

i feel like ddr bunny

doing great in all my classes
but all it takes is that one class
the one step ...
to mess it all up.

thank you pharmacology.

during clinicals at the V.A. hospital everyone realizes how wonderful we have it. just to be able to walk around without gasping for breath or confined to a bed and being able to enjoy a nice hot shower without freaking out about falling and cracking your head open or not having full range of motions to even brush your own stinking teeth. its really nice well not ... nice .. hm .. but lucky that i have this reminder so often. its definetly going into good use. nothing finishes off your day better when your patient compliments on how well you cared for them and that someday a great nurse is going to be the end result :D but not until i conquer the world of pharm !!! o i'll be working at St. Joseph for the summertime! so if you happen to be there i hope it's just to visit me :) free bandaids & cottonballs for you !
gluck on finals !!!!
especially but not limited to my nursing ladies <3